The ranking summary emails have been enhanced with a friendlier format of the performance highlights presented. There are 2 types of notifications one can receive by email:
Projects performance summary
A summary email containing the
most relevant trends and KPI changes
recorded since the previous ranking update completed across the scheduled projects, will be generated and sent to the designated recipients with the selected frequency - daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly.
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Up to 20 projects might be included in the summary email but one can see the rest of the projects by navigating to their AWR account after clicking the
View All Projects
Alongside the delivery frequency, from the Settings > General settings - Email updates section, one can also choose to include the visibility and keywords changes for:
  • All projects
    - an ongoing summary email will be delivered according to the frequency selected and will contain the highlights for the projects that meet the frequency selection.
  • New updates only
    - a summary email will be generated every time a new ranking update is completed across any of the scheduled projects added to your account.
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The email updates settings can be enabled/edited by the account owner and the administrator user type.
Initial ranking update status
Whenever a newly created project is updated with rankings, an email presenting the
best permoning keywords
will be delivered to the designated recipients. One can easily drill-down and find more on the previewed ranking data by clicking on the
View project
button which points to that AWR project.
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