The first month of 2023 brings a brand
new filtering option
for the keyword ranking tables.
The filter is called
and, when applied, it shows the keywords found ranking with more than one URL on the SERPs retrieved from the selected search engines.
Accidental cannibalization can hurt a website's organic performance which may result in an overall loss of conversions or sales, therefore identifying the URLs targeting the same keyword and intent is a crucial task for any SEO campaign.
The new filter was added to the Ranking > Keywords report and, like for the other existing filters, it can be applied to the table by using the
+Add filter
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SERP Features such as Sitelinks, Tweets, Images, and Indented URLs are excluded, as they are not a threat to a web page’s visibility in organic search.
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The Cannibalization filter comes with 2 options:
Current date
- When this option is selected, the keywords found ranking with multiple URLs during the latest update date selected in the report’s date range will be displayed.
In time
- The keywords ranking with multiple pages on any of the updates completed in the selected date range will be displayed in the ranking table. The ranking
URL may shift from one update to another and this option helps one discover all the pages that Google deemed relevant for a targeted keyword across a selected timeframe.
The option to
exclude the index page
from the filtered results is also available letting one see all the URLs targeting the same keyword and intent, except for the index page.