A new data API operation - export search volume - was rolled out and can be used to retrieve the Google Ads data.
When used, the
export search volume
API call, can either trigger a file download (in .CSV format) or return a plain text response.Depending on the option -
or trends
- selected for the dataType parameter
, the following datasets can be exported:1)
Search Volume data
- Searches- average monthly searches a keyword receives on Google, country-wide, as reported in the last 30 days
- Local Searches- average monthly searches a keyword receives during a month, narrowed down to a specific location
- Global Search Volume- average monthly searches that a keyword receives across all the locations and in all languages supported by Google's Keyword Planner tool. In-depth information on this metric is available here.
Example output for

Search Trends data
- Last 12 months search trends- the volume of searches a keyword received over the last 12 months
- Quarterly Search Trends- the evolution of searches in the last three months compared to the previous three months. More details on this metric can be found here.
Example output for

To find out how to set up an
export search volume
API request please check this information here.